Friday, March 9, 2012

Tidbit Challenge Friday

So I'm sitting here in my chair with my dog on my lap, and my laptop on the side. (ha. 2 lap items. Lol) I'm thinking, writing and realizing (yes I can multi-task,) about what it means to be all the things that I say that I am. I mean, do I really live out what my profile says? Or is it just so people will like me? Yes I think adults feel this way, not just high-schoolers. Were all human. You're not immature just because you want to be loved.

I'm pretty sure I'm open minded. I think I'm true to myself. Hmm let's see...Mommy? Check. Chef? Check. Writer? Unprofessionally..check. Blogger? Most of the time check. YouTube Makeup Geek..200% check.
Jesus Lover? Worried about being criticized for my belief, but I don't care check.
Singer, film lover, traveler? Check.
Okay okay, maybe I deleted a couple things before I wrote this blog (movie star). :p.

If I can for a sec, encourage everyone to please be yourself and say who you really believe that you are. That's what makes us all special!
Okay, so are you really for Challenge Friday? Here it is:

Wear one thing that u completely love but feel uncomfortable maybe even stupid wearing. (I'm not talking about walking around naked. Ha!) For me it's red lips and 80's purses, and my bangs. For you it might be the black eyeliner or a a pair of pants or shoes. This is how trends get started! You never know, you could start a worldwide trend yourself! You may also discover something about yourself! ;)
Happy Challenge Discovering! :)

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